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adolescent adopt adore adult advance
advanced advantage adventure adventurous advertise
advertisement advice advise adviser advocate
aeroplane a few (a) few; (a) little affair affair
affair; business; matter; thing affect affection affirmative afford
affordable afraid afraid afraid; frightened Africa
African after after after after
after after after; afterwards after; behind after; for
after; in afternoon after; since afterwards afterwards
again against -age age aged
agency agenda agent aggression aggressive
ago ago ago; before agree agreeable
agreement agree on/about sth agree on/about sth; agree with sb/sth; agree to sth agree to sth agree with sb/sth
agricultural agriculture ahead aid AIDS
aim aim aim; purpose air air conditioning
aircraft airline airmail airplane airport
-al alarm album alcohol alcohol
alcohol; beer; wine alcoholic alert algebra alike
a little a (little) bit a (little) bit; a little alive alive
alive; live; living all all all all; both
all; entire; whole allergic alley allocate allow
allow allowance allow; let; permit all ready all ready; already
all right all right; OK; That's all right.; That's right. all together all together; altogether ally
almost almost almost; nearly alone alone
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