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单词 age



➊ the number of years that you have lived or sth has existed

➋ a period in history

v. (cause sb/sth) become old or appear older

ing. ageingaging


➊ [U; C] 年龄:Bill is the same age as me. 比尔与我同龄。

◇[at the age of + 数目 = at age +数目] at the age of 5(或at age 5) 5岁时

under/over the age of 30 不到30岁/30多岁

◇[年数 + of age] His son is 5 years of age (= 5 years old). 他的儿子5岁。

◇at an early age 幼年

◇friends of one's own age 同龄的朋友

◇This is a common problem for people (of) your age. 这是个你同龄人中常见的问题。

◇children of this age group 这个年龄群的孩子

➋ [C] 时代:[the ... age] the computer/nuclear age 电脑/核时代

◇live in the age of technology 生活在科技时代

v. [T; I] (使)变老;(使)显老;(使)老化:Troubles age a man. 烦忧催人老。

◇The bridge is aging and needs replacing. 这座桥老化了,需要重修。

at sb's age 在…的这个年龄时:I was already a teacher at your age (或when I was your age). 我在你这个年纪时已经当老师了。

come of age 成年,满法定年龄:He avenged his father's death when he came of age. 他成年后为父亲的死报了仇。

for one's age 与同龄人相比:He's tall for his age. 与他的同龄人相比,他算高的。

for ages 很长时间:I haven't seen him for ages. 我有很长时间没有见到他了。


We are at the same age.

We are the same age. 我们同龄。

[✌be one's age和be the same age (as sb)两个短语中,be后无at]


His age is 20 years old

His age is 20.

He is 20 years old. 他20岁了。


❖ “一个10岁的男孩”可译为:a boy of 10 = a ten-year-old boy = a ten-year-old

❖ “他20岁。”可译为:He is 20. = He is 20 years old. = He is 20 years of age. 不能说: He has 20 years.

❖ “在某个年龄段”的表达方法:in his twenties 在20多岁时(不能说:in the twenties);in his teens 在10多岁时;as a child 在孩提时代





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