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单词 excuse
excuse(n.) excuse(v.)


n./ɪk'skjuːs/ a reason that you give to explain what you did

v./ɪk'skjuːz/ forgive sb, usually for sth that is not very serious

n. [C] 借口;辩解:[excuse for (doing) sth] What's your excuse for being late this time? 你这次迟到的借口是什么?

make an excuse 找借口

v. [T] 原谅;宽恕:Please excuse my bad handwriting. 请原谅我字写得潦草。

◇[excuse sb for (doing) sth] I hope you'll excuse me for being so late. 我来得这么晚,希望你能原谅。

excuse me 对不起,劳驾:[向陌生人提问时说,以引起注意] Excuse me, is this the way to the airport? 劳驾,这是去机场的路吗?

◇[请求他人让路] Excuse me, could you let me through? 对不起,可以让我过去吗?

◇[为做了尴尬或鲁莽的事而道歉] Excuse me, I didn't mean to step on your foot. 对不起,我不是有意踩到你脚的。

◇After sneezing loudly, he said, “Excuse me.” 大声打了个喷嚏后,他说了声“对不起。”

构词ex- + cuse (= cause原因)→“说出原因”引申为“借口”

音组-use/-juːz/ [见于动词]

abuse; accuse; amuse; confuse; excuse (v.); refuse; use (v.)

音组-use/-juːs/ [见于名词]

excuse (n.); use (n.)


an excuse of not finishing the task

an excuse for not finishing the task 未完成任务的理由

谚语A bad excuse is better than none. 找个勉强的借口总比没有借口好。

谚语He who excuses himself accuses himself. 为自己辩白的人其实是在谴责自己。

辨析excuse; forgive; pardon

辨析excuse me; I'm sorry





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