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单词 all

all/ɔːl $ ɔːl, ɑːl/

a. used to refer to the whole of a particular group or thing

pron. everyone or everything of a particular kind

ad. completely

a. 全(部);所有的;总;整:[all + the/this/that/my + 不可数名词/可数名词单数]:All the money is yours. 所有的钱都是你的。

◇I've finished all my homework. 我已经做完所有的家庭作业了。

◇[all + the/these/those/my + 可数名词复数] all these happy families 所有这些快乐的家庭

◇All the bags got broken. 所有的袋子都破了。

◇All my friends are coming. 我所有的朋友都会来。

◇[“all + 可数名词复数/不可数名词”表示类别] All animals have to eat in order to live. 所有动物都需要吃东西才能生存。

◇All wood tends to shrink. 所有木头都会收缩。

◇[“all +时间名词”表示连续一段时间] He's been singing all day. 他一整天都在唱歌。

pron. 全部;全体人员;一切:[作主语指代可数名词复数时+ v. 复] He has got 3 sons, all are under the age of 15. 他有3个儿子,都不到15岁。

◇[作主语指代不可数名词时 + v. 单] All is well with us. 我们一切都好。

◇[all of the/my ...] Not all of his dogs are aggressive. 他的狗并非都是好斗的。

◇[作主语同位语] They were all reading. 他们都在看书。

◇[作宾语同位语] Thank you all. 谢谢你们所有人。

◇[all (that) ...] All (that) I can say is that you are excellent. 我所能说的就是你很优秀。

ad. 全部地:The woman was dressed all in black. 这名妇女穿着一身黑衣。

◇I've done it all by myself. 这完全是我一个人做的。

all in all 总的来说,总之:All in all this is a good idea. 总而言之,这是个好主意。

all over (sth) 到处;遍及…:He looked all over for his keys. 他到处找钥匙。

◇Rats are found all over the world. 世界各地都有老鼠。

in all

总共,合计:There were 30 members in all. 总共有30个成员。

总之,简言之:In all I love the novel. 简言之,我喜欢这本小说。

all right

安全的;(健康)良好的:I was sick one hour ago but I'm feeling all right now. 一小时前我吐了,但我现在好了。

➋ [表示同意] 好的,行,可以:“Let's go.” “All right.” “我们走吧。” “好的。”

➌ [引起注意] 好的,好了:All right, let's move on. 好的,让我们继续。

all together 一起:We arrived all together. 我们一起到达的。

not ... at all 完全不,根本不:She does not speak English at all. 她根本不会讲英语。

all but 几乎,差不多:He had all but given up hope. 他几乎放弃了希望。

all but sth/sb 除了…都:All but one student (= all the students but one) passed the test. 除一个学生外,大家都通过了考试。

That's all right. [回答对方道谢或道歉] 没什么;不要紧:“I'm sorry.” “That's all right, don't worry.” “对不起。”“没什么,别担心。”



All these buildings are not modern.

None of these buildings are modern.

[✌all ... not表示部分否定,如:All these buildings are not modern. 意思为“这些建筑并非都是现代化的。”又如谚语:All is not gold that glitters. 闪光的东西未必都是金子。]


All them speak English.

All of them speak English.

They all speak English. 他们都说英语。

[✌“all of + 人称代词”中的of不能省略]


Mary and Jane are all students.

Mary and Jane are both students. 玛丽和简都是学生。



All houses were built in 1980.

All the houses are built in 1980. 这些房子都建于1980年。

[✌all houses多表示泛指,要表示特指,houses前要加the/these等限定词]


all what we want is peace.

all (that) we want is peace.

What we want is peace. 我们所需要的是和平。


They all are kind.

They are all kind. 他们都很和善。


He bought five cakes and ate all.

He bought five cakes and ate them allall of them). 他买了5个蛋糕,全都吃完了。



“Who are music lovers?” “We are all.”

“Who are music lovers?” “We all are.”



All his sons are teachers. (a.)

= All of his sons are teachers. (pron.)

= His sons are all teachers. (pron.) 他的儿子都是老师。

谚语All's well that ends well. 结果好,一切好。

辨析all; both

辨析all; entire; whole

辨析all ready; already

辨析all together; altogether

辨析all right; OK; That's all right.; That's right.





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