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单词 aim


n. sth you hope or plan to achieve


➊ plan to do sth

➋ point a weapon towards sth you want to hit

➌ say or do sth that is intended for a particular person or group of people

n. [C] 目标;目的:[aim of sth] The main aim of the course is to improve your oral English. 该课程的主要目的是提高你们的英语口语。

◇achieve these aims 实现这些目标

◇[with the aim of doing sth] He went to Beijing with the aim of finding a good job. 他去北京的目的是为了找到一份好工作。


➊ [I; T] 计划,力争:[aim to do sth] We aim to arrive by Saturday. 我们计划星期六前到达。

◇[aim at (doing) sth] The two governments are aiming at ending the war. 两国政府力争结束战争。

◇[aim for sth] We're aiming for an increase. 我们力争有所增长。

◇[sth1 is aimed at (doing) sth2] The activity is aimed at arousing students' interest in science. 这个活动旨在引起学生对科学的兴趣。

➋ [I; T] (把…)瞄准:[aim (sth) at sb/sth] Aim at the yellow circle. 瞄准黄圈。

◇Denver aimed his gun at the tiger. 丹佛把枪瞄准了老虎。

◇[aim for sb/sth] He was aiming for the middle of the target. 他瞄准了靶心。

➌ [T] 针对:[aim sth at sb 常用被动] The book is aimed at teenagers. 这本书的对象是青少年。


I started the business with the aim to make a profit.

I started the business with the aim of making a profit. 我开这家公司的目的是为了赢利。


The hunter aimed the wolf.

The hunter aimed (his gun) at the wolf. 猎人(把枪)瞄准了狼。

辨析aim; purpose





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