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单词 ask

ask/ɑːsk $ æsk/


➊ put a question to sb

➋ tell sb you want them to do sth

➌ invite sb to go somewhere


➊ [T; I] 问,询问:[ask (sb) sth] She asked (me) a question. 她问了(我)一个问题。

◇He asked an old man the way to the museum. 他向一位大爷问了去博物馆的路。

◇[ask (sb) about sb/sth] He asked (me) about my hometown. 他问了(我)有关我故乡的情况。

◇[ask (sb) wh-] He asked (me) how Kate got there. 他问(我)凯特是如何到那儿的。

◇[ask (sb) + speech]“Are you OK?” he asked (her). “你没事吧?”他问(她)。

➋ [T; I] 请求,要求:[ask (sb) to do sth] The teacher asked me to translate this sentence. 老师要我翻译这个句子。

◇He asked to see the director. 他要求见主任。

◇[ask (sb) for sth] There is a woman asking (him) for help. 有个妇女在(向他)求助。

◇He asked for bread. 他要面包。

◇[ask (that) ... 虚拟语气] She asked the door (should) be closed. 她要求门关上。

➌ [T] 邀请:[ask sb to sth] My friend Jack asks me to dinner tomorrow. 我的朋友杰克邀请我明天去吃饭。

◇[ask sb to do sth] He dared not ask her to dance. 他不敢邀请她跳舞。

ask after sb/sth 问候,探问:He asked after my family in his letter. 他在信中问候了我的家人。

ask for sb 要求见:A customer asked for the manager. 一个顾客要求见经理。


He asked to me the time.

He asked me the time. 他向我问了时间。

用法ask sth和ask for sth

❖ 都可以表示“请求,要”。ask sth用于无形的东西,如:ask his advice 问问他的建议。ask for sth多用于有形的东西,如:ask for bread 要面包。有时可以互换使用,如:ask (for) directions/their forgiveness 问路/请求原谅。

❖ ask for sb 意为“要见某人”。

用法表示“请求某人做某事”,可用ask sb to do sth或ask if ...,如:He asked me to open the window. = He asked me if I would open the window.

辨析ask; question

辨析ask; beg; demand; order; require





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