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单词 as

as/强æz; 弱əz/

ad. [as ... as ...] used to compare two people, things, etc.


➊ because

➋ while

➌ in the way that sb says or that sth happens


➊ used to describe the purpose or quality of sb/sth

➋ when sb was in a particular age group

ad. [as ... as ...,第一个as为副词,第二个as为介词或副词] 像…一样:[as ... as sb/sth] Her younger sister is as tall as her(或she). 她妹妹与她一样高。

◇His bag is as big as mine/Tom's. 他的包与我的/汤姆的一样大。

◇hair as white as snow 雪白的头发

◇[倍数 + as ... as sb/sth] He earns twice as much as her. 他赚的是她的两倍。

◇[as ... as I thought/imagined] It's not as hard as imagined 没有想象的那么难。

◇I will come back as soon as possible (= as soon as I can). 我会尽快回来的。


由于:As it was getting late, I decided to go back. 由于天色渐晚,我决定回去。

当…时,随着:As time passed, he became more friendly. 随着时间的流逝,他变得更友好了。

照…的方式,正如:Do as I say. 按我说的去做。

As you know, he rarely agrees with me. 你是知道的,他很少与我意见一致。


作为,当作:She works as a shop assistant. 她的工作是售货员。

◇The problem is regarded as serious. 这个问题被认为很严重。

◇As a parent, you must protect your children. 作为父母,你必须保护你的孩子。

处于…年龄段时:As a young man, he studied in England. 他年轻时在英国求学。

as for sb/sth 关于,至于:As for John, he became an actor. 至于约翰,他后来做了演员。

as if ... 好像,似乎:He looks as if he is sick. 他看上去病了。

◇[as if +虚拟语气] He talks to me as if he were my teacher. 他跟我说话好像是我的老师。

as it is 实际上;照现状:I thought we would arrive on time but as it is we may be one hour late. 我本想我们将准时到达,但实际上可能会迟到一个小时。

◇Leave everything as it is. 原封不动任何东西。

as it were 可以说,在一定程度上:His retirement was, as it were, the beginning of his real career. 他的退休可以说是他真正事业的开始。

as though ... = as if ...


He has as a nice pen as mine.

He has as nice a pen as mine. 他有一支钢笔,跟我的一样漂亮。

[✌形容词前有as时,a/an要置于形容词之后、名词之前,类似位置的词还有how, so, too]


She swam as a fish.

She swam like a fish. 她像鱼一样游泳。


As she didn't catch the bus, so she walked home.

As she didn't catch the bus, she walked home. 她没赶上公车,所以步行回家。



As I was at school, I didn't have a cellphone.

When I was in school, I didn't have a cellphone. 我上学时没有手机。


用法as ... as sb/sth 结构中sb/sth如果是人称代词,可用主格或宾格。如:I run as fast as he (或him). = I run as fast as he does.

辨析as; because; for; since

辨析as; like

辨析as ... as; so ... as

辨析as; when; while





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