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单词 order

order1/'ɔːdər $ 'ɔːrdər/

n. the way in which things are arranged, showing which is first, which is second, etc.

n. [U; C] 顺序:[in ... order] The names are written in alphabetical order. 这些名字是按字母顺序排列的。

◇[in order of importance/difficulty] We'd better learn English words in order of difficulty. 我们最好按难易顺序来学英语单词。

◇Arrange the following paragraphs in a logical order. 按逻辑顺序排列下列段落。

in order 按顺序;整齐地:The kids walked into the classroom in order. 孩子们按顺序走进教室。

in order to do sth 为了,以便:He set out early in order to arrive on time. 他早早出发,以便按时到达。

out of order 出故障,有毛病:The lift is out of order again. 电梯又出故障了。

音组-der/-dər $ -dər/

border; elder; leader; murder; order; powder; under; wander; wonder


In order to get through the jungle, a guide is necessary.

In order for you to get through the jungle, a guide is necessary.

In order that you could get through the jungle, a guide is necessary. 要穿越丛林,需要向导。

[✌get through的逻辑主语不是guide,要用for sb表示]

用法in order to 比单用to更正式。



➊ ask a company to supply goods or service

➋ ask for sth to eat or drink in a restaurant, bar, etc.

➌ tell sb that they must do sth


➊ [T; I] 定购;定货:He ordered a colour TV set from the shop. 他向这家店订购了一台彩色电视机。

◇[order sb sth = order sth for sb] Let me order you a taxi. =Let me order a taxi for you. 我给你叫辆出租车。

➋ [T; I] 点(菜、酒等):[order sb sth = order sth for sb] I ordered myself a beer. = I ordered a beer for myself. 我给自己点了一瓶啤酒。

◇Are you ready to order? 您可以点菜了吗?

➌ [T] 命令;要求:[order sb to do sth] The officer ordered his men to fire. 军官命令他的手下开火。

◇[order that ...虚拟语气] The terrorist ordered that the door (should) be closed. 恐怖分子命令将门关上。

◇[order + speech] “Be quiet,” he ordered. “安静。”他命令道。


He ordered that the work was started at once.

He ordered that the work be started at once. 他下令该工作即刻启动。

[✌order表示“命令”时,后接的从句须用虚拟语气“(should) + 动词原形”]

辨析ask; beg; demand; order; require

order food in the restaurant





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