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单词 either

either/'aɪðər $ 'iːðər/

a. used to refer to one or the other of two

pron. one or the other of two

ad. used in negative sentences to mean “also”

a. 两方任一方的;二者中任一个的:Either tree is tall. (= Both trees are tall.)这两棵树的任何一棵都是高的。

◇The waitress held a plate in either hand. 女侍者一手托一个盘子。

◇I don't like either bag. = I like neither bag. 这两个包中的任何一个我都不喜欢。

pron. 两方任一方;二者中任一个:[either of the/my +名词复数+ v. 单] Either of the trees (= Either tree) is tall. 这两棵树的任何一棵都是高的。

◇[用于否定句] I don't like either of them. 我不喜欢两个中的任何一个。

ad. [用于否定句] :[置于句末] He can't drive and I can'teither. 他不会开车,我也不会。

◇“I don't like the play.” “Me either.” “我不喜欢这个戏。” “我也不喜欢。”

either ... or ... 要么…要么…,或者…或者…:[作主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式与or后的成分一致] Either the students or the teacher is right. 或者学生们是对的,或者老师是对的。

◇Either the teacher or the students are right. 或者老师是对的,或者学生们是对的。

◇You can have either coffee, tea, or orange juice. 你可以喝咖啡、茶或者橘子汁。

◇[有时either可省略] I don't know (either) this man or this woman. 我不知道这位男子也不知道这位女子。

音组-ther/-ðər $ -ðər/

bother; brother; either; father; feather; gather; leather; mother; neither; other; rather; weather; whether


There are trees on either sides of the road.

There are trees on either side of the road.

There are trees on both sides of the road. 马路两旁都有树。


Either Jack or I is wrong.

Either Jack or I am wrong. 不是杰克错,就是我错。


He is not tall too.

He is not tall either. 他也不高。

用法either通常指“两种中的一个”,如:You can take either of them. 意为“你可以拿任何一个”,即“只拿一个”。但either side/end/hand 则指“两者中每一个都”,即“两者都”。There is a church at either end of the street. 街道的一头一尾都有座教堂。

巧记 neither ... nor ...或either ... or ...作主语时,谓语的单复数形式根据nor或or后的成分决定。

辨析also; either

辨析both; either; neither





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