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单词 account



➊[usu. ~s] a written record of the money that a company receives and spends

➋ an agreement with a shop or company that allows you to buy things and pay for them later

➌ an arrangement with a bank to keep your money there and take some out when you need it

➍ a written or spoken report of an event

v. [~ for sth]

➊ give a reason or explanation for sth

➋ make up a particular amount or proportion


➊ [常~s]账目do the accounts 记账

◇the accounts apartment 财务部

➋ [C] 赊销账:Could you charge this to my account please? 请把这个记在我账上,好吗?

◇pay one's account 付账

➌ [C] 账户:open an account 开户

➍ [C] 描述:[account of sth] She gave an account of her life in the jungle. 她描述了她在丛林里的生活。

v. [~ for sth]

作出解释,作出说明:Can you account for your actions? 你可以解释一下你的所作所为吗?

(在数量、比例方面)占:Men account for only 10% of our teachers. 我们的老师中男性只占了10%。

by all accounts 大家都认为:By all accounts, they live a happy life. 大家都认为他们过着幸福的生活。

on account of sth 因为:The match was put off on account of the rain. 比赛因雨而推迟了。

take sth into account 考虑:He didn't take the weather into account. 他没有把天气因素考虑进去。

构词ac (= ad-) + count

同根 counter; discount


the account department

the accounts department 财务部


You have to take into account that it was raining then.

You have to take into account the fact that it was raining then.

[✌take into account后不能直接接that从句,要在从句前加the fact,使that从句变为fact的同位语从句]

谚语Happiness takes no account of time. 欢乐不觉时光过。





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