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单词 few


a. not many or not enough

pron. not many people or things

a. 不多的,很少的,几乎没有的:[表示否定,few +可数名词复数+ v. 复] Few people know the answer to the question. 很少人知道这个问题的答案。

◇the next few days 接下来的几天里

◇The few friends that had been invited all came. 受邀的少数几个朋友都来了。

◇There are fewer boys than girls in the class. 班上的男生比女生少。

pron. 不多,很少数,几乎没有:[表示否定] Few of these films are interesting. 这些电影很少是有趣的。

◇Few were happy with the result. 很少人对这个结果满意。

a few 有些,几个:[表示肯定,a few +可数名词复数+ v. 复] A few girls love football. 有些女孩喜欢足球。

◇[a few (of sb/sth)] I know a few of them. 我认识他们中的几个。

fewer than ... 不到,少于:Fewer than 30 students took the exam. 不到30个学生参加了考试。

No fewer than 1,000 people are present. 在场的人多达(或:不少于)1,000个。

quite a few 相当多,不少:He has quite a few friends there. 他在那儿有不少朋友。


chew; few; new; sew


It was so hot that there were a few people on the farm.

It was so hot that there were few people on the farm. 天很热,农场里没有什么人。


There is fewer traffic on the streets in January than in April.

There is less traffic on the streets in January than in April. 街道的交通1月不如4月繁忙。


It's fewer than 50 miles away. 不到50英里远。

It's less than 50 miles away. 不到50英里远。

[✌fewer than与表示人或物的可数名词复数连用,指距离或钱的数量时,要用less than。在一些数学表达及一些短语中,也用less than。如:an angle of less than 90 degrees 小于90度的角。]

辨析few; a few

辨析(a) few; (a) little





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