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单词 much


a. a lot

ad. to a great degree

pron. a large amount of sth

cf. more/mɔːr $ mɔːr/

sf. most/məʊst $ moʊst/

a. [修饰不可数名词] 许多的,大量的:He didn't spend much time in basketball. 他没有花多少时间打篮球。

◇We've wasted too much time. 我们浪费太多时间了。

ad. 非常:Thank you very(或so) much. 非常感谢你。

◇You talk too much. 你说得太多了。

◇[用于比较级前] He is much taller than his brother. 他比弟弟要高得多。

◇It was much too late to catch a bus after the party. 晚会后赶公交车太晚了。

◇[用于由过去分词转化而来的形容词前] some much-needed repairs 非常必要的修补

◇much to sb's surprise 让某人非常吃惊的是

pron. 许多,大量:Much has been said about the problem. 对这个问题已经说得很多了。

◇[as much as ...] The research cost as much as 2.7 million dollars. 这项研究的花费高达270万美元。

how much (...)

多少:How much water should I drink every day? 我每天应该喝多少水?

◇How much money do you have? 你有多少钱

多少钱:How much is it? 这卖多少钱?


much; such


She enjoyed the party much.

She enjoyed the party very much. 她在派对上玩得很开心。

[✌much在肯定句中修饰动词时,要与very连用,表示“非常”,否定句中则可单独用,如:I didn't like it much. 我不太喜欢它。]

用法how much不能与population, price, speed, height等连用去询问数量,要用what。

辨析a lot of; many; much

辨析as many as ...; as much as ...

辨析much; very





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