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单词 catch



➊ find and stop a person or animal from getting away

➋ get hold of sth that is moving through the air

➌ see sb doing sth wrong

➍ get on a bus, train or plane in time to travel on it

➎ get an infectious illness

pt. & pp. caught/kɔːt $ kɑːt/


➊ [T] 捉住:catch fish/rats捕鱼/捉老鼠

◇catch the murderer 抓住谋杀犯

◇She caught him by the arm. 她抓住他的手臂。

➋ [T; I] 接住:The dog jumped up and caught the plastic plate. 狗跳起来接住了塑料盘。

◇I'll throw you the book. Catch! 我把书扔给你,接住!

◇He caught the ball with one hand. 他单手抓住球。

➌ [T] 发现,撞见:[catch sb doing sth] She was caught reading a novel in the English class. 她被抓住在英语课上看小说。

◇Her mother caught her smoking in the room. 她妈妈发现她在房间里吸烟。

➍ [T] 赶上:I have to catch the 7:00 bus to school. 我得赶7点钟的那趟巴士上学。

➎ [T] 染上(疾病):catch a cold 感冒

◇catch measles 染上麻疹

catch at sth 试图抓住:The baby caught at my dress as I walked past. 当我走过时,婴儿试图抓我的裙子。

catch up with sb 追上;赶上:He walked so fast that I couldn't catch up with him. 他走得很快,我都赶不上他。

◇〈喻〉He missed many lessons and had to work hard to catch up with the other students. 他缺了很多课,不得不努力学习赶上其他学生。


catch; hatch; match; scratch; snatch

同音 caught; court [仅英音相同]


She caught the thief by his hand.

She caught the thief by the hand.

[✌表示“抓住某人的某个部位”用结构catch sb by the hand/arm]


His mother caught him to smoke in the bathroom.

His mother caught him smoking in the bathroom. 她妈妈撞见他在卫生间里吸烟。

辨析catch; grasp; seize; snatch

The two fish are caught.





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