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单词 by the way; in a ... way; in the way; on the/one's way

by the way; in a ... way; in the way; on the/one's way

by the way意为“顺便提一下,顺便问一句”。如:By the way, I met your father yesterday. 顺便提一下,我昨天碰到你爸爸了。

in the way意为“挡住路”,可引申为“妨碍人的”。如:Two boys stood in the way. 两个男孩挡在路上。◇ Am I in the way? 我会碍事吗?

in a ... way意为“以一种…方式”。如:in a friendly way 友好地 ◇ in the same way 以同样的方式。

on the/one's way意为“在前往… 的路上”,后面常用to引出要去的地方。如:Jack should be on the way to town. 杰克应该在去镇里的路上了。◇ I met her on my way to the post office. 我在去邮局的路上碰见了她。◇ on the way home 在回家的路上。





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