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单词 fall

fall1/fɔːl $ fɑːl/


➊ come down onto the ground

➋ move suddenly down onto the ground when you are standing

pp. fell/fel/

pt. fallen/'fɔːlən $ 'fɑː-/

v. [I]

落(下),降落:The rain/snow has been falling all day. 雨/雪下了一整天。

◇The leaves have started to fall. 树叶开始凋落。

跌倒;倒下,倒塌:He fell and broke his leg. 他摔断了腿。

◇She fell into the river. 她掉进了河里。

◇I fell down a moment ago and my leg hurts now. 我刚刚摔倒了,现在腿疼。

fall asleep/ill/silent 入睡/病倒沉默起来:She was very tired and fell asleep at the desk. 她很累,竟然伏在课桌上睡着了。

fall off (sth) (从…)脱落;跌落:The mirror fell off the wall. 镜子从墙上脱落下来。

音组-all/-ɔːl $ -ɑːl/

all; ball; call; fall; hall; small; tall; wall

用法fallen leaves(落叶)中的fallen为不及物动词的过去分词作形容词用,不表示被动,而是表示已经完成。类似的还有a grown man (成人)。

用法口语中常用fall down来表示“摔倒”。

谚语A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。

辨析drop; fall


n. = autumn

n.〈美〉 [U; C] 秋季:We met in the fall of 2006. 我们于2006年秋季相遇。

◇a warm fall 温暖的秋季

用法泛指“在秋天”时,英国英语用in (the) autumn,但美语in the fall中the不能省。





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