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单词 burn

burn/bɜːn $ bɜːrn/


➊ if a fire burns, it produces heat and flames; if sth is burning, it is producing flames and being damaged or destroyed by fire

➋ damage or destroy sth with fire

➌ (the sun) (make your skin) become red and painful

n. an injury or a mark caused by fire, heat or acid

pt. & pp. burnt/bɜːnt $ bɜːrnt/burned


➊ [I] 燃,烧;着火:The fire burned all night. 火烧了整整一个晚上。

◇The whole city is burning. 整个城市都在燃烧。

◇a burning house 一栋熊熊燃烧的房子

◇a smell of burning 烧焦的气味

➋ [T] 使烧焦:She burnt the letter. 她把这封信给烧了。

◇The building was burnt to the ground. 这幢建筑被彻底焚毁了。

➌ [I; T] (使)晒伤:My skin burns easily. 我的皮肤很容易晒伤。

◇She got burned by the sun this afternoon. 她今天下午让太阳给晒伤了。

n. [C] 烧伤;晒伤;烧伤的痕迹;烫痕:a severe burn 重度烧伤

◇a cigarette burn in the desk 桌子上香烟的烫痕

音组-urn/-ɜːn $ -ɜːrn/

burn; return; turn

用法burned 和burnt可通用。但只有burnt可用作定语。如:the smell of burnt toast 烤焦了的面包片的味道。

谚语A burnt child dreads the fire. 烧伤的孩子怕见火(或:一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳)。





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