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单词 chance

chance/tʃɑːns $ tʃæns/

➊ an occasion which allows sth to be done

➋ the possibility of sth happening


➊ [C] 机会:[a chance to do sth =a chance of doing sth] a chance to learn French = a chance of learning French 学法语的机会

◇I didn't get/have a chance to visit the museum. 我没有机会去参观博物馆。

◇[a chance for sb to do] There's a chance for you to go skating. 你有机会去滑冰。

◇give sb a chance 给某人一个机会

◇miss a big chance 错过大好机会

➋ [C; U] 可能性:[chance of (doing) sth] There's little chance of catching the bus. 赶上公共汽车的可能性很小。

◇He has a very good chance of recovery/success. 他康复/成功的可能性很大。

◇[chance that ...] There is no chance that he will come here. 他没有来这儿的可能性。

by chance 碰巧:I met her in the street by chance. 我碰巧在街上碰到了她。

音组-ance/-ɑːns $ -æns/

chance; advance; dance; glance; france


There's little chance to arrive on time.

There's little chance of arriving on time. 按时到达的可能性很小。

[✌表示“可能性”时,后面接of doing sth,不接to do sth]

辨析chance; opportunity





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