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单词 think



➊ believe sth

➋ use your mind

pt. & pp. thought/θɔːt $ θɑːt/


➊ [T] 想;认为,以为:[think (that) ...] I think it's going to rain. 我认为要下雨了。

◇[not think (that) ...] I don't think he can succeed. 我认为他不会成功。

◇I thought you enjoyed the film. 我原以为你喜欢这部电影。

◇“Is she good at English?” “I think so/I don't think so.” “她英语好吗?”“我想是的/我不这么认为。”

◇[think sb/sth + a.] He thought the idea great. 他认为这个想法很好。

◇[think it possible/necessary to do sth] I think it possible to have it done by Friday. 我认为星期五之前完成它是有可能的。

◇[be thought to be ...] This was thought to be a good idea. 这被认为是个好想法。

◇[do you think 常作插入语] Which do you think is better? 你认为哪个更好?

◇Who do you think he will ask for help? =Who will he ask for help? 你认为他要向谁求助?

➋ [I] 思考;考虑:Are animals able to think? 动物能思考吗?

◇Try to think in English. 尽力用英语思维。

◇Let me think. 让我想想。

think about(of) sb/ (doing) sth

考虑:She is thinking about leaving her job. 她正在考虑离职。

觉得…如何:What do you think about (of) the play? 你觉得这出戏如何?

think of sb/sth

想出:Think of an example to explain the rule. 想一个例子来解释这个规则。

想起:I can't think of his name at the moment. 我一时想不起他的名字

对…有特定看法:The teachers thought highly of him. 老师们很看重他。

◇He thought little of the problem. 他轻视了这个问题。

◇[think of sb/sth as sth] I think of him as my friend. 我把他看作朋友。


drink; ink; link; pink; shrink; sink; think


I am thinking he is wrong.

I think he is wrong. 我认为他错了。


I think she is not a student.

I don't think she is a student. 我认为她不是学生。


How do you think about the book?

What do you think about the book?

How do you like the book? 你觉得这本书怎么样?


Do you think who she is?

Who do you think she is? 你认为她是谁?

[✌do you think/believe/expect等所带的宾语从句有疑问词时,要将疑问词置于句首]


He thought necessary to apologize to her.

He thought it necessary to apologize to her. 他认为有必要向她道歉。

[✌think sth + a.结构中sth不能省略,例句中的sth是形式宾语it,真正的宾语是动词不定式短语to apologize to her]





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