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单词 turn

turn/tɜːn $ tɜːrn/


➊ (make sth) move around to face a new direction

➋ move your body or part of your body to face a different direction

➌ go in a new direction when you are walking, driving, etc.

➍ (make sth) change into a different state or form

➎ become

n. the time when it is your chance or duty to do sth after or before other people


➊ [T; I] 旋转,转动;翻转:I turned the key and opened the door. 我转动钥匙,打开了门。

Turn the page (over). 把这页翻过来。

◇The earth turns around the sun. 地球绕太阳转。

➋ [T; I] 转身;扭转:He turned and walked. 他转身走了。

◇She turned her face away from the camera. 她把脸偏离相机。

➌ [I; T] 转弯,改变方向:Turn left at the next crossing. 在下个路口左转。

◇The car turned into a narrow street. 小车拐进了一条很窄的街道。

◇He turned the car into the side road. 他把车开到了支路上。

➍ [T; I] (使)变成,成为:[turn sb into sth] The witch turned the prince into a frog. 女巫把王子变成了一只青蛙。

◇[turn into sth] Mike has turned into a handsome young man. 迈克已经变成一个英俊的小伙子。

➎ [L] 变成,变得:[turn + a.] The leaves turn red in the autumn. 秋天这些树叶会变红。

◇It was beginning to turn dark outside. 外面已经黑下来了。

◇[turn + n.] She has turned traitor. 她成了叛徒。

◇He turned sixteen last month. 他上个月16岁了。

n. [C] 轮流的机会;依次轮到的责任:[it's sb's turn to do sth] It's your turn to cook. 轮到你做饭了。

◇[take turns (to dodoing sth)] They take turns washing the dishes. 他们轮流洗碗。

turn 关小,调低:She turned down the TV. 她把电视的声音关小了。

turn 上交:She turned in her application this morning. 今天上午她交了申请表。

turn 关掉:Please turn off the lights. 请把灯关掉。

turn 打开;接通…的电源:He turned on the radio. 他打开了收音机。

turn out

➊ [turn ] 关掉:Who turned out the light? 谁关了灯

➋ [turn out to be ...] 原来是,最后证明是:The film turned out to be a great success. 这部电影结果大获成功

➌ [turn ] 生产,制造:The factory turns out 85 cars a day. 这工厂每天生产85 辆汽车。


使转身;使翻转:Now turn over the paper. 现在把纸翻过来。

交;移交:The work was turned over to the newcomer. 这项工作移交给了新来的人。

turn to sb/sth 转向;求助于:He is the right person you can turn to. 他就是你可以求助的人。

turn up 到来;出现:He believed someone would turn up to save him. 他相信会有人来救他。

turn 开大,调高:Turn up the radio. 把收音机声音开大点。

音组-urn/-ɜːn $ -ɜːrn/

burn; return; turn


He turned an actor at age 40.

He turned actor at age 40.

He became an actor at age 40. 40岁时他成为了一名演员。



The milk turned sourly.

The milk turned sour. 牛奶变酸了。


谚语One good turn deserves another. 善行应得善报。

辨析become; get; grow; turn





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