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单词 step



➊ the act of lifting one foot and putting it down in front of the other

➋ the sound made when you walk

➌ one of a series of things that you do in order to achieve sth

➍ one of a series of flat surfaces that you walk on when you are going up and down stairs


➊ move somewhere by putting one foot down in front of the other

➋ put your foot down

pt., pp. & ing. -pp-

n. [C]

脚步:He took a few steps towards the door. 他朝门口走了几步。

脚步声:I heard steps in the corridor. 我听到走廊里有脚步声。

步骤,措施:[step to do sth] The government is taking steps to prevent corruption. 政府正在采取措施防止腐败。

台阶;梯级:He was sitting on the bottom step of the stairs. 他正坐在楼梯的最下面一级。

v. [I]

走;跨步:Step forward when your name is called. 叫到你的名字时往前跨一步。

踩,踏上:[step on/in sth] The girl yelled when Tom stepped on her foot. 汤姆踩到这个女孩的脚时,她叫了起来。

辨析stairs; steps

谚语It is the first step that is difficult. 万事开头难。

谚语The longest journey begins with a single step. 千里之行,始于足下。

draw a cat step by step





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