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单词 tell



➊ give sb facts or information about sth

➋ say that sb should or must do sth

➌ know sth is true

pt. & pp. told/təʊld $ toʊld/

v. [T]

告诉;讲述:[tell sb sth = tell sth to sb] Nobody told me the news. =Nobody told the news to me. 没有人告诉我这个消息。

tell (us) a story(给我们)讲故事

◇[tell sb about sth] I didn't tell him about the meeting. 我没有告诉他有关会议的事。

◇[tell sb (that) ...] Bill told me that he had read the novel. 比尔告诉我,他读过这部小说。

◇[tell sb wh-] Could you please tell me where the station is? 你能告诉我车站在哪儿吗?

◇He was not telling the truth. 他没有说实话。

吩咐,命令,指示:[tell sb (not) to do sth] He told us to stop talking. 他叫我们不要讲话。

◇Do as you are told. 让你怎么做就怎么做。

➌ [I; T] 知道:[常can tell (that) ... /sth] I can tell she was not happy. 我知道她不幸福。

Can you tell the difference between the two words? 你知道这两个词的不同吗?

◇It's hard to tell who is right. 很难说谁是对的。


bell; cell; fell; sell; smell; tell; well; yell


He told that he was sick.

He said he was sick. 他说他病了。

He told me he was sick. 他告诉我他病了。

[✌tell 后常要加表示人的间接宾语]


She told me her family.

She told me about her family. 她告诉了我有关她家庭的情况。

[✌tell sb sth中的sth常为joke, story, news 等内容,强调将具体信息告诉对方;tell sb about sth中的sth常为incident, meeting等内容,强调对其进行解释]

谚语Time will tell. 日久事自明。

辨析say; speak; talk; tell





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