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单词 set



➊ a piece of electronic equipment

➋ a group of things that belong together or are used together

n. [C]

电子装置:a TV set 电视机

◇a radio set 无线电收音机

一套,一副,一组:[a set of sth] a set of dishes 一套碗碟

◇a set of rules 一套规则



➊ if you set a date, price or amount, you decide what it should be

➋ prepare or arrange sth so that it is ready to use

➌ cause sth/sb to be in a particular state

➍ when the sun sets, it moves lower in the sky until it can no longer be seen

pt. & pp. set

ing. -tt-

v. [T]

确定,决定:set a date/target 确定日期/目标

设置;布置:I've set my alarm clock for seven o'clock. 我已经把闹钟设在7点钟。

set one's watch by TV 根据电视对手表

◇She is setting the table for dinner. 她正在摆餐具准备吃晚饭。

使处于某种状况:set sb free 释放某人

◇[set sb doing sth] His behavior set me thinking. 他的行为引起了我的深思。

(太阳)落下:The children watched the sun setting. 孩子们看着太阳渐渐落下。

◇The lake looked wonderful in the setting sun. 湖面在落日余晖中非常好看。

set about (doing) sth 开始,着手:They set about (the task of) decorating their new house. 他们开始装修新房。


把…放到一边:Now set aside your book and look at the cards. 现在把书放到一边,看看卡片。

留出(金钱、时间):We have to set aside 2,000 yuan for a TV. 我们得留出2,000元买电视机。

set 记下,写下:She set down her thoughts in her note-book. 她把想法记在笔记本上。

set 释放;使自由:The prisoner was set free five years later. 5年后,这名罪犯被释放了。

set off 出发,动身,启程:[set off (for sth)] They set off for home. 他们动身回家。

set out

➊ =set off 出发

开始(工作、任务):He set out with the goal of becoming a well-known director. 他一开始就以做知名导演为目标。

set 建立,创立:These young men set up a Hope primary school. 这些年轻人创办了一所希望小学。


bet; get; jet; let; met; net; pet; set; wet; yet


The sun is setting down slowly.

The sun is setting slowly. 太阳徐徐落下。





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