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单词 a-an

a/强eɪ; 弱ə/, an/强æn; 弱ən/

art. one (person or thing)

➊ used to talk about sb/sth for the first time

➋ used to refer to any person or thing of a particular type

➌ used to say what type of person or thing sb/sth is

➍ used instead of the number “one”

➎ used to mean “each”

➏ used to mean “a cup or glass of a drink”

➐ used in some phrases that mean “amounts”

➑ used before some nouns of action

art. 一(个、件等)

➊[用于第一次提到某人或某物]:He bought a hat and he loves it very much. 他买了一顶帽子,他非常喜欢这顶帽子。

➋[用于泛指某一类中的“任何一个”]:A dog is a smart animal. 狗是聪明的动物。

◇A child needs love. 孩子需要爱。

➌[用于表示某人或某物属于哪一类]:She is a teacher. 她是个老师。

◇I want to be a singer. 我想成为一名歌唱家。

➍[用于替代数字one]:a hundred people 100人

◇half a mile 半英里

◇an hour or two一两个小时

➎[表示“每一”]:He visits his grandparents twice a week. 他每星期要去看爷爷奶奶两次。

◇The eggs cost 10 yuan a kilo. 这些鸡蛋每公斤10元。

➏[表示饮料的“一杯;一份”]:He asked for a coffee/beer. 他要了杯咖啡/啤酒。

➐[置于某些词前,表示一定数量]:a little一点

◇a few 一些

◇a lot 许多

◇a great deal 大量

➑[用于某些动作名词前]:Take a look at this picture. 看看这幅画。

◇have a bath洗个澡

◇I heard a knocking at the door. 我听到敲门声。


a hour

an hour 一个小时


an SOS 一个求救信号

a 8-year-old girl

an 8-year-old girl 一个8岁大的女孩

[✌辅音前用a;元音前用an。详细说明参见辨析a; an]


I have a pencil, but two pens.

I have one pencil, but two pens. 我有一支铅笔,但有两支钢笔。


¥10 one kilo

¥10 a kilo 每公斤10元

[✌参见辨析a; one]


首次提到某人或某物用a/an,再次提到时用the,如:She is reading a very interesting book. The author of the book is J. K. Rowling. 她正在看一本有趣的书,该书的作者是J·K·罗琳。

辨析a; an

辨析a; any

辨析a; one





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