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单词 promise

promise/'prɒmɪs $ 'prɑː-/

v. say that you will definitely do or give sth

n. a statement that you will definitely do or give sth

v. [I; T] 答应,允诺;答应给予:[promise (not) to do sth] He promised to finish the work before Wednesday. 他答应星期三之前完成工作。

◇[promise (sb) (that) ...] He promised me that he would finish the work before Wednesday. 他答应我星期三之前完成工作。

◇[promise sb sth = promise sth to sb] My father promised me a bike for my birthday. =My father promised a bike to me for my birthday. 我爸爸答应生日送我一辆自行车。

n. [C] 答应,允诺:[promise to do sth] He made a promise to write letters to me. 他许诺写信给我。

◇[promise that ...] Give me your promise that you won't do that again. 答应我,别再做那事了。

◇keep/break a promise 遵守/违背诺言

构词pro- + mise (=-mit-)

同根 dismiss; missile; mission


practise; promise


The president promised cooperating with the UN.

The president promised to cooperate with the UN. 总统承诺与联合国合作。





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