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单词 copy

copy/'kɒpɪ $ 'kɑː-/


➊ sth that is made to look exactly like sth else

➋ one of many books, magazines, newspapers, etc. that are all the same


➊ make sth that is exactly like sth else:

➋ cheat by writing what sb else has written, esp. in school work or a test

ts. copies

pt. & pp. copied

n. 〖复-pies/-pɪz/〗 [C]

复印件,复制品,副本:The painting is only a copy. 这幅画是复制品。

◇[copy of sth] make a copy of the letter 复印一份这封信

一本(份、册…):The book sold 1,000 copies yesterday. 这本书昨天卖出了1,000本。

◇[a copy of sth] a copy of China Daily 一份《中国日报》

v. [T; I]

复制;复印;拷贝,备份:Copy the report. 把这份报告复印一下。

◇[copy sth1 into/onto sth2] He copy the phone number into his notebook. 他把这个电话号码抄到他的笔记本上。

◇He has copied the programme onto the hard disk. 他已经把程序拷贝到硬盘上了。

抄袭:copy answers 抄答案

◇[copy from sb] He was caught copying from other children in the test. 他考试时抄袭其他孩子被抓。





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