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单词 prepare

prepare/prɪ'peər $ -'per/

v. make sth ready or make sb ready for sth

v. [I; T] 准备,预备:[prepare for sth] John is preparing for tomorrow's exam. 约翰在准备明天的考试。

◇[prepare to do sth] Just as he was preparing to leave, the phone rang. 正当他准备要离开时,电话响了。

◇[prepare sth for sb] Mother is preparing the bed for the guest. 妈妈正在给客人铺床。

prepare lunch 做午饭

◇[prepare sb for sth] The teacher prepared her students for their exam. 教师帮助她的学生准备迎考。

be prepared to do sth 愿意:I am prepared to wait. 我愿意等。

构词pre- + pare

音组-are/-eər $ -er/

aware; care; compare; dare; declare; prepare; rare; share; spare; stare


The students have prepared the exam well.

The students have prepared for the exam well. 学生们已经做好了考试准备。

The teacher is preparing the exam. 老师正在出考卷。





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