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单词 number

number/'nʌmbər $ -bər/


➊ a word or sign that represents an amount or quantity

➋ a phone number

➌ an amount of sth that can be counted


➊ [C] 数,数字;号码:Add the numbers 6, 9, 10. 把数字6、9、10相加。

◇Some people think six is a lucky number. 一些人认为6是幸运数字。

◇the room number 房间号

◇The number 47 bus leaves in 5 minutes. 47路公共汽车5分钟后开出。

➋ [C] 电话号码:Sorry, you have the wrong number. 对不起,你打错电话了。

◇I don't know his (phone) number. 我不知道他的电话号码。

➌ [C; U] 数量:[the number of +可数名词复数+ v. 单] The number of cars on the roads is increasing. 路上的汽车数量越来越多了。

◇They were six in number. 他们有6个人。

a number of sb/sth 一些:[a number of +可数名词复数+ v. 复] A number of houses have been damaged in the flood. 发洪水时,一些房子被损毁了。

◇a large(或great) number of people很多人

◇a small number of students 少数学生


the Room number 405

Room number 405 405房间


The amount of hours we spent on the work was rather small.

The number of hours we spent on the work was rather small. 我们用在工作上的小时数是相当少的。

巧记 用下例记住the number of 和a number of的语义差别:The number of people invited was 100, but a number of them were absent for different reasons. 受邀人数是100,当有相当多人因各种原因未到场。

辨析amount; number





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