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单词 and

and/强ænd; 弱ənd, ən/


➊ used to join two words, phrases, or clauses to mean “also” or “in addition to”

➋ then

➌ used after verbs such as “go”, “come” and “try” to mean “in order to”

➍ used between repeated words to emphasize what you are saying

➎ as a result

➏ added to

➐ used before saying the part of a large number which is less than 100

➑ used to introduce a statement, remark, question, etc.


和;又;而:[连接单词或短语] boys and girls 男孩和女孩

◇He is tall, strong and handsome. 他高大结实又帅气。

◇[连接两个句子] Mary didn't speak to anyone and nobody spoke to her. 玛丽没有跟任何人说话,也没有人跟她说话。

➋ [连接两个先后的动作] 然后,接着:He came in and sat down. 他进来后坐了下来。

为了:[come/go/try and do sth, 用于将来时、祈使句或不定式] I'll go and (= go to) have a cup of coffee. 我要去喝杯咖啡。

➍ [用于重复的两词之间,表示反复或连续] 接连,愈来愈:They ran and ran. 他们跑啊跑啊。

◇[比较级+ and + 比较级] More and more people are losing their jobs. 越来越多的人正在失去工作。

那么,就:[祈使句 + and] Try your best and you will find a way. (= If you try your best, you will find a way.) 尽你的力,你就会找到办法的。

加,加上:6 and 5 is 11. 6加5等于11。

➐[读数字时,用于千位或百位与十位或个位之间]:one hundred and twenty-one (121的读法) 一百二十一

◇one thousand and one (1,001的读法)一千零一

➑[引出陈述、评论、问题等]:And now I'd like to introduce our new classmate Tom. 现在我介绍一下我们的新同学汤姆。


He was not fat and thin.

He was not fat or thin. 他不胖也不瘦。

[✌连接两项否定内容不能用and,要用or。但I can't think and talk at the same time.中的and不能改为or,因为这里表示think和talk这两个动作同时发生。]


five thousand and two hundred

five thousand two hundred (5,200的读法)

five thousand two hundred and five (5,205的读法)




He came and saw me.

He came to see me.

[✌come and do sth表达come to do sth时,只能用于使用动词原形的时态,不能用于过去时态、分词或动名词。He came and saw me. 意为“他来了,并看见了我。”]

用法当and连接的两个名词看作一个整体时,常用作单数,如下句的谓语动词要用单数而使主谓一致:Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. 早起早睡使你健康、富裕、聪明。





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