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单词 give



➊ hand sth to sb so that they can have or use

➋ offer sth to sb

pt. gave/geɪv/

pp. given/'gɪvən/

v. [T]

给;递给:[give sb sth = give sth to sb] He gave the pencil to Mary. = He gave Mary the pencil. 他把铅笔给了玛丽。

送给,供给,提供:[give sb sth = give sth to sb] He gave Julia a CD for her birthday. 他送给朱莉娅一盒CD作为生日礼物。

◇Give me your name and address. 请把你的名字和地址提供给我。

give (to sb) 赠送;捐赠:The store is giving away a pen to every customer. 这个店正给每位顾客赠送一支钢笔。

give (to sb) = give (sb) 归还;送回:Could you give my pen back to me? = Could you give me my pen back? = Could you give me back my pen? =把我的钢笔还给我好吗?

give in (to sb/sth) (向…)屈服,让步:He refused to give in to his boss. 他拒绝向老板屈服。

give off (或outsth 散发,发出(气味、光、热):The flower gave off a pleasant smell. 花散发出怡人的芳香。

give 分发,散发:The teacher has given out the exam papers. 老师已经分发了试卷。

give up 放弃:You shouldn't give up so easily. 你不应轻易放弃的。

◇[give ] She has given up hope of finding her lost bike. 她已经放弃找到丢失自行车的希望了。

◇[give up doing sth] He has given up smoking. 他已经戒烟。


forgive; give; live (v.)


Giving more attention, the trees could have grown better.

Given more attention, the trees could have grown better. 如果更好地照顾这些树,它们会长得更好。


The government refused to give up to their demands.

The government refused to give in to their demands. 政府拒不向他们的要求妥协。


His wife urged him to give up to smoke.

His wife urged him to give up smoking. 他的妻子敦促他戒烟。

用法当give后面带的双宾语都是代词时,一般用give sth to sb的结构,如:说give it to you,少说give you it

用法“简给了他一支钢笔。”可表达为:Jane gave him a pen. = Jane gave a pen to him. 被动语态常为:He was given a pen. = A pen was given (to) him.

谚语It is better to give than to receive. 施恩胜于受惠。





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