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单词 not

not/nɒt $ nɑːt/

ad. used to form the negative of verbs or other parts of a sentence

ad. 不,没有:He isn't a good basketball player. 他不是个优秀的篮球运动员。

◇I cannot understand it. 我不明白这是什么意思。

◇He told me not to wait. 他叫我不要等。

◇“Who broke the window?” “Not me.” “谁把窗户打破了?” “不是我。”

◇I don't know whether he is right or not. 我不知道他是否是对的。

not at all [用于礼貌答谢或同意] 不客气,没什么;没关系:“Thank you very much.” “Not at all.” “非常感谢。” “不客气。”

◇“Do you mind me opening the door?” “Not at all.” “你介意我把门打开吗?” “没关系。”

not only ... but also 不但…而且…[连接主语时,谓语动词形式应遵循就近原则] Not only the students but also their teacher was surprised. 不仅仅是学生,而且老师也吃了一惊。

◇[修饰两个分句,且not only置于句首时,not only分句中的主谓须倒装] Not only is television boring, but also it wastes a lot of time. 电视不仅无聊,而且还浪费好多时间。

音组-ot/-ɒt $ -ɑːt/

dot; hot; got; lot; not; plot; pot; rot


He asked me to not laugh.

He asked me not to laugh. 他叫我不要笑。


Not only he was late, but also he forgot his coursebook.

Not only was he late, but also he forgot his coursebook. 他不但迟到,还忘了带课本。

用法I didn't see any birds. = I saw no birds.

用法Didn't you see him? = Did you not see him?





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