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单词 add



➊ put sth with sth else

➋ put numbers together to get the total number

➌ say sth more

v. [T]

添加,把…加入:Add milk before heating it. 在加热前加入牛奶。

◇[add sth1 to sth2] He added my name to the list. 他把我的名字加进了名单。

◇There have been several new events added to the program for the Beijing Olympic Games. 北京奥林匹克运动会增加了好几项新赛事。

把…加在一起:Add all the amounts. 计算这些数的总和。

◇[add sth1 and sth2] If you add 6 and 8, you get 14. 6加8等于14。

◇[add sth1 to sth2] Add 7 to the total. 总数再加7。

补充说:[add sth1 to sth2] He added nothing to what I had said. 他对我所说的话没有作任何补充。

◇[add (that) .../+ speech]“Don't stay up too late,” she added. “不要开夜车,”她又说道。

add 把…加起来:Let's add up all of the money we spent. 我们把所花的钱加一加吧。

add to sth 增添,增加:The fine weather added to our pleasure. 好天气增添了我们的乐趣。

◇Colorful umbrellas add to a lively atmosphere in the summer streets. 各色阳伞给夏日街头平添了活泼的气氛。

add up to sth 总计为,总共是:The amount of money she spends on clothes adds up to $5,000 a year. 她每年买衣服的钱总计有5,000美元。

同音 ad; add


The seller added the price.

The seller increased the price. 销售者提了价。

The seller added 20 dollars to the price. 销售者提了20美元的价。


The research has greatly added our knowledge of the planet.

The research has greatly added to our knowledge of the planet. 这项研究大大增加了我们对这颗行星的了解。





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