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单词 find



➊ discover or see sth by chance

➋ get back sth/sb that was lost after looking for them

➌ learn that sth is true; have a particular feeling or opinion about sb/sth

pt. & pp. found/faʊnd/

v. [T]

发现,碰到:I found a wallet in the street. 我在街上发现了一个钱包。

◇[find sb doing sth] I found her dancing in the room. 我发现她在房间里跳舞。

◇[find (that) ...] I found that she was dancing in the room. 我发现她在房间里跳舞。

◇[find sb/sth + a.] When I arrived there, I found him gone. 当我到达那儿时,发现他已经走了。

找到,找回:[find sth for sb = find sb sth] Can you find my keys for me? = Can you find me my keys? 你能帮我找找我的钥匙吗?

发现;感到:[find sth (to be) + a.] We found the boy (to be) clever. 我们发现这个男孩很聪明。

◇[find it + easy/difficult + to do sth] I find it easy to operate the machine 我觉得这个机器很容易操作。

find out 查明,弄清;发现:[find out (about sth)] I don't know where he hides but I'll find out. 我不知道他藏在哪儿,但我要查清楚。

◇How did you find out about the contest? 你是怎么了解到这次比赛的?

◇[find ] I'd like to find out more about the college. 我想再多了解一点这个大学。

◇[find out (that) ...] I found out that he came from a rich family. 我发现他出身富裕的家庭。


behind; blind; find; kind; mind; remind


I'm trying to find why he is absent.

I'm trying to find out why he is absent. 我想弄清楚为什么他缺席。


I'm finding my keys.

I'm looking for my keys. 我在找钥匙。


I found him play there.

I found him playing there. 我发现他在那儿玩。

[✌没有find sb do sth的结构,这是与see, watch, notice, hear, feel等感官动词不同的地方]


He found impossible to remove the stains.

He found it impossible to remove the stains. 他发现根本无法去除这些污渍。

辨析discover; find; invent; look for

辨析find; find out





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