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单词 believe


v. think that sth is true, correct or real, or that sb is telling the truth

v. [T] 相信,认为:Nobody believed him. 没有人相信他。

◇[believe (that) ...] He believes all men are created equal. 他相信,人人生而平等。

◇[don't believe (that) ...] I don't believe he will come. 我认为他不会来。

◇[It is believed (that) ...] It is believed that the vase was made 5 centuries ago. 据信这个花瓶是5个世纪前制造的。

◇[believe sth/sb to be ...] She believes her son to be the cleverest. 她相信她的儿子是最聪明的。

◇[believe so/not] “Does he pass the exam?” “I believe so/not” “他考试通过了吗?” “我想是的/没有。”

◇[believed + a.] All the 4 travellers are missing, believed dead. 4名游客都失踪了,据信已经丧生。

believe in ...

➊ [believe in sb] 信任:They believed in him from the very beginning. 他们从一开始就信任他。

➋ [believe in sb/sth] 相信…的存在:Do you believe in God? 你相信有上帝吗?

➌ [believe in sth] 信奉;信仰:They believe in freedom. 他们信奉自由。

构词be- + lieve (= love喜欢)


believe; achieve


I think you are not right.

I don't think you are right. 我认为你是不对的。

[✌表达“我认为sb/sth不…”之义时,要对主句进行否定,即把否定词放到believe前,类似的词还有think, suppose]


I believe working hard to achieve success.

I believe in working hard to achieve success. 我信奉勤奋制胜。

用法She believes (that) it is possible. = She believes it to be possible. = She believes it possible. 她认为这是有可能的。

辨析believe; believe in





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