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单词 try



➊ attempt to do sth

➋ do, use or test sth to discover if it is suitable or good

n. an effort or attempt to do sth

ts. tries

pt. & pp. tried


➊ [I; T] 试,试图,努力:[try to do sth] Bob tried to finish the exercise before 5. 鲍勃试图在5点前做完这个练习。

◇[try and do sth] We must try and understand. 我们必须尽力理解。

◇[try not to do sth] He tried hard not to cry. 他强忍住不哭。

◇Let's keep trying. 让我们继续努力。

➋ [T] 试;试用;试验:Would you like to try the milk? 你想试试这种牛奶吗?

◇[try doing sth] If he is not there, you can try telephoning him. 如果他不在那儿,你可打电话给他试试看。

n. [C,常S] 试,试图:This is worth a try. 这值得一试。

◇[a try at (doing) sth] “I can't work it out.” “Let me have a try (at it).” “我做不出来。”“让我来试试。”

try one's best (to do sth) 努力(做):The teacher tried his best to explain the difficult text. 老师努力解释这篇有难度的课文。

try 试穿:You'd better try the dress on before buying it. 你在买下之前应试试这条裙子。

try 试用;测试:They decided to try out a different approach. 他们决定试用新方法。


by; my; shy; sky; spy; try


He tried and help her.

He tried to help her. 他试图帮助她。

[✌try to do sth的try为动词原形(如祈使句中、情态动词后)时,还可以说try and do sth,如:Try and(或to) practice spoken English every day. 每天都要练练英语口语。try不是原形时,不能用try and do sth]


Would you like to have a try of it?

Would you like to have a try at it? 你想试试这个吗?

谚语You never know what you can do till you try. 经过尝试才知道自己的能力。

辨析manage to do sth; try to do sth

辨析try to do sth; try and do sth; try doing sth





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