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单词 time



➊ what we measure in minutes, hours, days, etc.

➋ an occasion when you do sth or when sth happens

v. measure how long it takes to do sth









➊ [U] 时间;钟点:What time is it now? = What is the time now? 现在几点了?

◇Times goes by quickly. 时间飞逝。

What time (=When) do you want to leave? 你想什么时候离开?

◇I don't have much free time. 我没有多少空余时间。

◇He has lived here for some time. 他住这儿已经有一段时间了。

◇Thank you for your time. 谢谢你,占用你的宝贵时间了。

➋ [C] 次,回:I've been to the Great Wall five times. 我去过5次长城。

◇He is right this time. 这次他对了。

◇last time/next time 上次/ 下次

◇I’ll explain the reason another time. 我将另找时间来解释其中的原因。

◇[every/each time ...] Every time he comes to Shanghai, he visits us. 他每次来上海,都来看我们。

v. [T] 测定…的时间,记录…的时间:Time how long it takes you to run from here to the house. 测一下你从这儿跑到那栋房子需要多少时间。

a long time 很长一段时间:We waited a long time. 我们等了很长时间。

a long time ago 很久以前

a short time 很短一段时间:He stayed there only a short time. 他在那儿待的时间很短。

a short time ago 不久前

ahead of time 提前:He accomplished the task ahead of time. 他提前完成了任务。

all the time 一直;始终:Languages are changing all the time. 语言一直都在演变。

at a time 一次:I can only do one thing at a time. 我一次只能做一件事。

at one time 曾经:At one time the English teacher taught Maths. 这个英语老师曾经教过数学。

at that time 在那时,当时:He was 15 years old at that time. 当时他15岁。

at the same time 同时:She was singing and dancing at the same time. 她又唱又跳。

at the time of sth 在…时:At the time of his death, he was deeply in debt. 他死时欠了一屁股债。

by the time ... 当…时候:By the time he graduated, he had become a famous actor. 毕业时,他已经成为一个名演员。

for the time being 眼下,暂时:For the time being, he is out of a job. 眼下他正失业。

from time to time 不时,间或:He makes spelling mistakes in his writing from time to time. 他不时犯些拼写错误。

have a good(nice) time 过得开心,玩得高兴:Have a nice time, dear. 宝贝,玩得开心点。

◇Did you have a good time at the party? 聚会玩得开心吗?

in no time 立即,马上:The meeting will begin in no time. 会议马上就要开始了。

in time 及时:We arrived just in time to catch the last train. 我们到得很及时,赶上了最后一趟列车。

it's about(high) time ... 是该做…的时候了:It's high time we started the project. 该是我们启动这个项目的时候了。

It is time for sth/for sb to do sth 该是…的时候了:It's time for dinner. 晚餐时间到了。

◇It's time for us to go to bed. 该是我们上床睡觉的时候了。

on time 按时,准时:You should be there on time. 你应准时到那儿。

over time 逐渐地;缓慢地:All languages change over time. 所有语言都逐渐变化。

take your time (to do/doing sth) 慢慢来,从容:Take your time, you won't be late. 慢慢来,你不会迟到的。

(only) time will tell (只有)时间会证明


crime; time


Is this the first time you come to China?

Is this the first time you’ve come to China? 这是你第一次来中国吗?


It's five years since we met last time.

It's five years since we last met. 我们上一次碰面后有5 年了。



There was time when he was kind to us.

There was a time when he was kind to us. 曾有一段时间,他对我们很好。



She has visited us for four times.

She has visited us four times. 他来我们这儿有4 次了。


I cry every time when I hear that song.

I cry every time I hear that song. 每次我听到这首歌我就会哭。

[✌every time 后接从句,不需要when]


He carried the boxes two at one time up the stairs.

He carried the boxes two at a time up the stairs. 他一次搬两个箱子上楼梯。


When is it now?

What time is it now?

What is the time now? 现在几点了?

[✌when 只用来询问一件事情发生的时间]

用法It is time (for sb) to do sth = it is about(或high) time + 过去式虚拟语气。

巧记 “次数”:一次once,两次twice,3 次three times。

谚语Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不待人。

谚语Time flies. 光阴似箭。

谚语Time is money. 一寸光阴一寸金。

谚语Time lost cannot be recalled. 光阴一去不复返。

辨析in time; on time

辨析five times bigger than sth; five times as bigger as sth

work against time





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