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单词 take



➊ move or carry sb/sth from one place to another or make sb go with you

➋ used with a noun to mean “do sth”

➌ eat or drink medicine

➍ use a car, bus, etc.

➎ need or require a particular amount of time

pt. took/tʊk/

pp. taken/'teɪkən/

v. [T]

带;拿;拿走;取走:[take sb/sth with you] Take an umbrella with you. 带把伞。

◇Why don't you take Tom with you to the cinema? 为什么不带汤姆一起去看电影?

◇[take sb to sth] He took Lucy to hospital. 他带露西去医院。

◇[take sth to sb = take sb sth] Take this book to Jane. 把这本书拿给简。

◇[take sb to do sth] Jack took his girlfriend to see his parents. 杰克带女朋友去见了他的父母。

:take a look at sth 看一下某物

◇take a picture of sth/sb 给某物/某人拍照

◇take a bath 洗澡

◇take a walk 散步

服用:You have to take some medicine for your cough. 你咳嗽要吃点药。

乘坐:take the bus/train/plane 乘巴士/火车/飞机

花费(时间):The project will take five years (to finish). 这项工程要费时5年(才能完成)。

◇[it takes (sb) ... to do sth] It took my mother about two hours to prepare the supper. 我妈妈做这顿晚餐大约花了两个小时。

take 拿走,带走:Take that knife away — it's dangerous to the kids. 把刀拿走——对小孩子有危险。

take it easy easy

take 让…进入,接纳:He took in stray cats. 他收留了流浪猫。

take off (飞机)起飞:The plane took off safely. 飞机安全地起飞了。

take 脱下(衣服等):Take off your wet shoes. 脱下你的湿鞋子。


➊ 承担,开始做:take on an important assignment 承担一项重要任务

呈现:The town took on a festive air. 镇里呈现一派节日气象。

take 取出,拿出:He took out his passport and handed it to the guard. 他拿出护照,递给了卫兵。

take 接收,接管,接办:She has taken over the company. 她已经接管了公司。

◇Take over for me for a while. 帮我替代一阵子。

take up sth 占用,占去(时间、地方):The thick dictionary takes up too much room. 这本厚词典太占地方了。


bake; cake; lake; make; take; wake


“Please take your dictionaries to class tomorrow,” the teacher said.

“Please bring your dictionaries to class tomorrow,” the teacher said. 老师说:“明天请把词典带到教室来。”


It took her two months preparing the plan.

It took her two months to prepare the plan.

She took two months to prepare the plan.

The plan took her two months to prepare. 她用了两个月的时间准备这个计划。


He refused to eat medicine.

He refused to take medicine. 他不肯吃药。

辨析bring; carry; fetch; take

辨析cost; spend; take

辨析eat; take; have





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