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单词 so

so/səʊ $ soʊ/


➊ used to emphasize what you are saying

➋ in the same way

➌ used to get sb's attention or introduce a question

➍ used to refer back to sth that has already been mentioned


➊ for that reason

➋ in order to do sth or make sth happen


如此,这么;非常:You shouldn't speak so fast. 你不应该说得这么快。

◇There are so many people in the hall. 大厅里人真多。

同样,也:[so +助词或系动词+主语] He is a teacher and so is his brother. 他是个老师,他弟弟也是。

◇“I'm going to the cinema.” “So am I.” “我要去看电影。”“我也要去。”

➌ [用于引起注意或提问] 那么:So, what's your opinion on it? 那么,你有什么看法?

这样,如此:“Is he ready?” “I hope so.” “他准备好了吗?” “我希望如此。”

I don't think so. 我不这样认为。

I believe so. 我相信是这样的。


因此,所以:It was raining, so we stayed at home. 天下着雨,因此我们就待在了家里。

为了,以便:[so (that) ...] Speak a little louder so that everyone can hear you. 大声点,以便大家都可以听见你说的话。

and so on 等等:She bought meat, wine, and so on. 她买了肉、葡萄酒等等。

not so ... as ... 不如:This novel is not so interesting as that one. 这本小说没有那一本有趣。

... or so ... 左右,…上下:fifteen or so books 15本左右的书

so ... (that) ... 如此…,以致…:He was so tired that he couldn't walk on. 他累得走不动了。

so ... as to do sth 如此…以致…:Would you be so kind as to help me with the case? 请您帮我搬一下箱子好吗?

so as to do sth 为使,以便:Speak louder so as to be heard by those at the back. 大声点说,好让后面的人听得见。

音组-o/-əʊ $ -oʊ/

go; no; so

同音 sew; so; sow


This is a so tall tree that ...

This is so tall a tree that ... 这是很高的一棵树,以致…

[✌形容词前有so时,a/an要置于形容词之后、名词之前,类似位置的词还有as, too, how]


so tall trees

such tall trees 如此高的树



“You forgot to turn off the light.” “Oh, so did I.”

“You forgot to turn off the light.” “Oh, so I did.” “你忘了关灯了。” “噢,我确实忘了。”

[✌这里的so I did等于I did so,此处so意为“如此”,而非“也”]


He fell on the ice and so I did.

He fell on the ice and so did I. 他滑倒在冰上,我也滑倒了。


用法在think, expect, believe, suppose, hope, imagine后用so代


用法“约16个学生”多说sixteen or so students,也可说sixteen students or so。

辨析as ... as; so ... as

辨析so; such





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