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单词 see



➊ notice sb/sth using your eyes

➋ understand or know sth

➌ watch a film, play, television programme, etc.

➍ visit sb

➎ meet sb

pt. saw/sɔː$ sɑː/

pp. seen/siːn/


➊ [T; I] 看见,看到:Can you see the words on the blackboard? 你看得见黑板上的字吗?

◇[see (that) ...] I saw he was swimming. 我看见他在游泳。

◇[see sb doing sth] I saw her dancing in the room. 我看见她在房间里跳舞。

◇[see sb do sth = sb is seen to do sth] Someone saw him leave. = He was seen to leave. 有人看见他离开。

◇He can hardly see without his glasses. 他不戴眼镜就几乎什么都看不见。

➋ [T; I] 领会,理解,明白:[see wh-] Do you see what the teacher means? 你明白老师的意思吗?

◇I can't see why he is so angry. 我不理解他为什么生那么大的气。

◇“Put some salt in before you shake the bottle.” “Oh, I see.” “摇动瓶子之前放些盐进去。” “哦,我明白了。”

➌ [T] 看(电影、电视等):Let's go to see a film/play. 我们去看电影/戏吧。

➍ [T] 会见,拜会:You should see a doctor. 你应该去看医生。

◇He is going to see his grandpa tomorrow. 他明天要去看他的爷爷。

➎ [T] 遇见:I am very glad to see you. 我很高兴见到你。

◇We haven't seen each other for five years. 我们已经有5年没有见过面了。

See you (later). 回头见。

see sb/sth as sth 把…看作,认为…是:The villagers saw him as a hero. 村民们把他看作英雄。

see 为…送行,送别:He saw her off at the airport. 他到机场为她送行。

see through sb/sth 看穿,识破:They saw through her deceptions. 他们看穿了她的骗局。

see to sb/sth 注意;照料;处理:Who's seeing to the task? 谁负责这项任务?




同音 C; sea; see

同音 scene; seen


bee; fee; flee; free; knee; see


I'd like to see the plan carry out next month.

I'd like to see the plan carried out next month. 我希望这个计划下个星期实施。


She was seen go a moment ago.

She was seen to go a moment ago. 有人看见她刚刚走了。

用法see him climb the tree意为“看见他爬上了树”,see him climbing the tree 意为“看见他正在爬树”。

巧记 用下句来记住look for和see的区别:He looked for me, but didn't see me. 他找了我,但没看见我。

谚语Seeing is believing.眼见为实。

谚语Four eyes see more than two. 四只眼比两只眼看得多(或:人多智多生诸葛)。

辨析look; notice; see; watch





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