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单词 say; speak; talk; tell

say; speak; talk; tell

say意为“”,强调所说的内容,一般用作及物动词。结构有:say sth (to sb); say something about sth; say (that)...; say + speech。如:He said he would come. 他说他会来。◇ He said nothing to her. 他对她什么也没说。

speak意为“”,强调说的动作、方式,一般用作不及物动词。结构有:speak to sb。如:He spoke in a low voice. 他轻声地说话。◇ May I speak to Kate? (打电话时说)喂,我可以和凯特说话吗?speak还可表示“讲(某种语言)”,此时作及物动词用。如:Tom can speak Chinese. 汤姆会说中文。◇ I can't speak a word of German. 我一句德语都不会讲。

talk意为“谈话,聊天”,强调说话的动作,一般用作不及物动词。结构有:talk to (或with) sb (about sth)。如:You should talk with your parents about it. 你应该就这件事与你父母亲谈谈。◇ talk over the phone 在电话里聊天。

tell意为“告诉”,强调说话的内容,一般作及物动词。结构有:tell sb sth;tell sb about sth;tell sb (that)...; tell (sb) a story; tell sb to do sth。





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