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单词 record
record(n.) record(v.)


n./'rekɔːd $ -kərd/

➊ information that is written down so that it can be looked at later

➋ the fastest speed, longest distance, etc., esp. in a sport

➌ a round flat piece of plastic that music is stored on

v./rɪ'kɔːd $ -'kɔːrd/

➊ write down information and keep it so that it can be looked at later

➋ put music, films, etc. on tape or discs so that you can listen or watch to them again


➊ [C; U] 记录:[record of sth] Keep a record of all the money you spend. 把你花的每一分钱都记录下来。

◇medical records 病历

➋ [C] 最高纪录,最佳成绩:[record for sth] He broke the record for the 100 metres. 他打破了100米的记录。

◇set a new world/Olympic record 缔造新的世界/奥林匹克纪录

◇the world record holder 世界纪录保持者

➌ [C] 唱片:He enjoys listening to records. 他喜欢听唱片。

◇a record company 唱片公司

v. [T]

记录:He recorded all his expenses at school. 他记录了在学校里的所有开销。

录制;刻录:The band has just recorded a new album. 这个乐队刚录制了一张新专辑。

◇I've recorded the film Titanic and we can watch it later. 我刻录了电影《泰坦尼克号》,我们以后可以看。

构词re- + cord(心)→使再次在心中记起

音组-ord/-ɔːd $ -ɔːrd/

afford; record (v.); sword





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