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单词 prefer

prefer/prɪ'fɜːr $ -'fɜːr/

v. like one thing or person more than another

pt., pp. & ing. -rr-

v. [T] 更喜欢,宁愿(选择):“Coffee or tea?” “I'd prefer tea, thanks.” “喝咖啡还是喝茶?” “我喝茶,谢谢。”

◇[prefer sth1 to sth2] I prefer basketball to ping-pong. 相对乒乓球而言,我更喜欢篮球。

◇[prefer doing sth1 (to doing sth2) = prefer to do sth1 (rather than do sth2)] I prefer reading to watching TV. =I prefer to read rather than watch TV. 比起看电视,我更喜欢看书。

◇I'd prefer to stay at home today. 我今天宁愿待在家里。

构词pre- + fer →“把…放到前面”即“更喜欢”

同根 differ; offer; suffer; refer; ferry

音组-fer/-fɜːr $ -'fɜːr/

prefer; refer

用法prefer to do sth强调一次性的行为,如:I prefer to read this afternoon. 强调经常性的行为用prefer doing sth更多,如I prefer reading at the weekend. 周末时我喜欢看书。有时可换用。





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