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单词 point


v. move your finger in the direction of sth in order to show it to sb


➊ an exact position or place

➋ the sharp end of sth

➌ a fact or idea that sb talks or writes about

➍ a small dot used to separate a whole number from the part that comes after it

v. [I; T] 指,指向:[point to sb/sth] She pointed to a blue skirt and said, “I want this one.” 她指着一件蓝色的裙子说:“我要这件。”

◇[point sth at sb/sth] The robber pointed a gun at the girl's head. 劫匪用枪指着女孩的头。

n. [C]

点;地点:the point where two roads cross each other 两条路相交的地点

◇We met him at this point. 我们是在这个地点碰到他的。

尖,尖端:the point of a needle 针尖

◇a pen point 笔尖

➌ [指所述及的事实或观点] :That's a good point. 那一点说得很好。

◇my point of view 我的观点

小数点:three point five 三点五(或:3.5)

come (get) to the point 谈到正题,讲到关键问题:It took nearly twenty minutes for him to get to the point. 近20分钟后他才谈到正题。

point (to sb) (向…)指出:The teacher pointed out my mistake. 老师指出了我的错误。

用法非善意,甚至敌意地指某人时,常用point at;当表示一般意义上的“指向(如指针)或朝向(如建筑物)”时,用point to。

辨析point; tip





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