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单词 other

other/'ʌðər $ -ər/

a. used to refer to different things or people

pron. a different thing or person; different things or people

a. 别的,另外的:He is taller than the other boys in his class. 他比班上其他男孩都要高。

◇Do you have any other questions? 你还有其他问题吗?

◇Where's the other sock? 另外一只袜子哪儿去了?

pron. 别人;别的东西:[one ... the other] He had a bunch of flowers in one hand and a birthday cake in the other. 他一手拿着一束花,另一只手拿着一盒生日蛋糕。

◇Be kind to others. 对其他人要友好。

◇He shared one bike with the others. 他与其他人共用一辆自行车。

辨析another; the other

辨析else; other

辨析the other; the others; others

音组-other/-'ʌðər $ -'ʌðər/

another; brother; mother; other


She has a pen in one hand and a book in another.

She has a pen in one hand and a book in the other. 她一手拿着一支笔,一手拿着一本书。

[✌表示两个中的另一个时,用the other]


He is ready to help the others.

He is ready to help others. 他乐意帮助他人。






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