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单词 opposite

opposite/'ɒpəzɪt $ 'ɑː-/

n. a person or thing that is completely different from sb/sth else

prep. if one thing or person is opposite another, they are facing each other

a. on the other side of the same area, often facing it

n. [C] 对立的人(或物);对立面:[the opposite (of sth)] What's the opposite of “good”? “好”的反义词是什么?

◇He was a polite boy but his elder brother was the opposite, a rude boy. 他是个有礼貌的孩子,而他哥哥则完全相反,是个粗鲁的孩子。

prep. 与…相对,在…对面:Jack sat opposite me. 杰克坐在我的对面。

a. 相反的,对面的:The post office is on the opposite side of the road. 邮局在马路的对面。

◇The girl opposite is smiling at us. 对面的女孩正朝我们微笑。

构词oppose + ite

用法opposite作形容词时,可置于名词前,也可以置于名词后,但意思不同。置于名词前表示两个成对的东西中的另一个,如:the opposite bank of the river河的对岸。置于名词后,表示面对着说话人或被谈论的人,如:He lived in the house opposite. 他曾住在对面的房子里。

辨析contrary; opposite





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