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单词 one


num. 1


➊ used when talking about a thing or person that is the same as sth/sb you have already mentioned

➋ people in general; any person

num. :He has one brother and two sisters. 他有一个弟弟和两个妹妹。

◇[one of sb/sth] One of his friends lent him the money. 他的一个朋友借了这笔钱给他。

◇He will phone you at one. 他会在一点钟打电话给你。


一(个,只…):“I'll have a beer, please.” “I'll have one, too.” “我要来杯啤酒。” “我也来一杯。”

◇“Which one do you like better?” “The blue one.” “你更喜欢哪一件?” “蓝色的那件。”

◇Those machines are the ones that still work. 那些机器是仍在运转的。

◇Jack is the one who helped the old lady. 杰克就是帮助老太太的人。

◇There are one or two exercises to do. 有一两个练习要做。

➋〈正式〉人们:One should keep one's promise. 一个人应该遵守诺言。

one after another 一个接一个;陆续地:The lights went out, one after another. 灯一盏接一盏地熄灭了。

one by one 逐个地,逐一地:He checked the windows one by one. 他逐个检查了窗户。

one day/afternoon 有一天/某天下午:I met her one afternoon last month. 我上月的一个下午碰见了她。

one ... the other ... 一个…另一个


同音 ones, one's

同音 one; won


one day or two

one or two days

a day or two 一两天


She has one yellow pen and two black one.

She has one yellow pen and two black ones. 她有一支黄色的笔和两支黑色的笔。


The climate here is like one of London.

The climate here is like that of London. 这里的天气像伦敦。



He gave the toys to all the children except ones that had already taken them.

He gave the toys to all the children except the ones that had already taken them. 他把玩具给了所有的孩子,除了那些已经拿到的。


用法This book is a good one.此时one前一般有形容词修饰。同理,these/those 一般不会与ones 连用,除非在ones前加了其他形容词。

用法one's可以是所有格,也可是one is或one has的缩略式。

辨析a; one

辨析anyone; any one





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