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单词 make



➊ produce or build sth

➋ cause sth to happen or exist

➌ cause sb to do sth or cause sb/sth to be or become sth

➍ earn or get money

➎ have the qualities for a job or purpose

pt. & pp. made/meɪd/

v. [T]

做,制造:make a cake/shirt 做蛋糕/衬衫

◇make a film 制作电影

◇[make sb sth = make sth for sb] She made us some coffee. = She made some coffee for us. 她给我们冲了咖啡。

◇[be made of sth] The cup is made of gold. 这个杯子是金子做的。

◇[be made from sth] Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒是葡萄酿制的。

◇The label on the machine said “Made in China”. 机器的标签上写着“中国制造”。

造成,引起;使出现:The stone made a hole in the wall. 石头在墙上砸出了一个洞。

使(做、发生、变得、成为):[make sb do sth = (sb) be made to do sth] She always makes us laugh. = We are always made to laugh by her. 她总是把我们逗笑。

◇[make sb + a./pp.] The news made him sad. 这个消息使他伤心。

◇He tried his best to make himself understood. 他尽力让别人能懂得他的意思。

◇[make it possible for sb to do sth] Internet makes it possible for us to exchange information very quickly. 因特网使得我们快速交换信息变为可能。

◇[make sb/sth sth] The film made her a star. 这部电影让她成为一个明星。

挣(钱):He made $100,000 last year. 他去年挣了10万美元。

足可成为,宜用作:She will make a fine teacher. 她会成为一位好老师。

◇The sea and the sky seem to join together; they make a beautiful picture. 海天相接,构成一幅美丽的图画。

be made up of sth 由…组成:The textbook is made up of eighteen units. 这本教程由18个单元组成。

make it

到达;按时到达:The train leaves in an hour. I think we'll make it. 火车一个小时后开,我想我们赶得到。

成功,做到:The businessman works very hard — he'll make it. 这个商人很努力——他会成功的。

make 编造:make up a story 编故事

make (给…)化妆:She made herself up for the party. 她化妆去参加聚会。


bake; brake; cake; lake; make; quake; shake; snake; take; wake


She shouted to make herself hear.

She shouted to make herself heard. 她大声喊叫以便别人听得见她。


My mother made a cake to me.

My mother made a cake for me. 妈妈为我做了一块蛋糕。


The little girl is often made cry by her elder brother.

The little girl is often made to cry by her elder brother. 这个小女孩常被她的哥哥弄哭。

[✌make sb do sth变为被动结构时,do前要加to,即:sb is made to do sth]


The door is made from wood.

The door is made of wood. 这扇门是木制的。


He made clear that he disagreed.

He made it clear that he disagreed. 他说得很清楚,他不同意。

[✌make it clear that ...中的it指代that从句,it不能省略。make sth possible可以说make possible sth,特别是sth为名词短语时,如:She had made possible everything he had ever hoped for. 她已使一切期望都成为了可能。]


make a mistake 犯错

make a suggestion 提建议

make a promise 承诺

make a telephone call 打电话

make a decision 做决定

make an effort 努力(做)

make progress 进步

make trouble 闹事

谚语Money makes the mare (母马) to go. 有钱能使鬼推磨。[go前要to,是make sb do sth的特例]

谚语Clothes make the man. 人靠衣装(或:人是衣裳马是鞍)。

辨析make sth1 of sth2 (be made of); make sth1 from sth2 (be made from)


n. a type of product made by a company or the name of the company which made it

n. [C] 型号;牌子:There are many makes to choose from. 有很多型号可供选择。

◇What make is your car? 你的车是什么牌子的?





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