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单词 look



➊ turn your eyes towards sb/sth in order to see them

➋ try to find sb/sth

➌ seem or appear


➊ the act of looking at sth

➋ [~s] the appearance of sb/sth, esp. when it is attractive

➌ the emotions and feelings that can be seen in a person's face or eyes


➊ [I] 看,观看:[look at sb/sth] He looked at the answer and smiled. 他看了看答案,笑了。

◇Look! Here comes the bus. 瞧!公共汽车来了。

◇She looked out of the window. 她朝窗外看去。

◇look around (us) 朝四周看了看

➋ [I] 寻找:[look for sb/sth] He's looking for his keys. 他正在找钥匙。

◇She has looked everywhere but she can't find her pen. 她四处都找了,但就是没看见钢笔。

➌ [L] 看起来,显得,似乎:[look + a.] You look tired. 你看起来很累。[look (to sb) (like) sb/sth] He looks like his father. 他长得像他父亲。

◇He looks (like) a nice person. 他看起来像个好人。

◇It looks like rain. 天好像要下雨了。

◇[look as if (或though)-] He looks as if he is not feeling well. 他看上去身体不舒服。


➊ [C,常S] 看,瞧:[look at sb/sth] Can I have a look at your bicycle? 我可以看看你的自行车吗?

➋ [~s] [P] 相貌,模样:Mary's looks improved as she grew older. 玛丽长大后更漂亮了。

➌ [C,常S] 表情,神色:I'll never forget the look in her eyes. 我永远也忘不了她的眼神。

look after sb/sth 照顾,照看:Can you look after yourself? 你能照顾好自己吗?

look ahead (to sth) 展望未来:Looking ahead to next year, we expect more success. 展望来年,我们期望更多的成功。

look down upon sb/sth 蔑视,轻视,瞧不起:He was looked down upon because of his poor family. 他因家里穷而被人瞧不起。

look forward to (doing) sth: I'm looking forward to your visit. 期盼您光临。

◇We're looking forward to seeing you. 我们期望见到您。

look into sth 调查:The company is looking into the cause of the accident. 公司正在调查事故的起因。

look out [表示警告] 小心,当心:“Look out!” someone shouted. “小心!”有人喊道。

look through sth 浏览,翻阅:He was looking through a magazine in the waiting room. 他正在候车室里浏览一本杂志。

look 查找,查阅:If you find a new word, look it up in the dictionary. 碰到生词时请查字典。


book; cook; hook; look


It looks that he has known the news.

It seems (或appears) that he has known the news. 似乎他已经知道这个消息了。


She looked at the children to play under the tree.

She looked at the children play under the tree. 她看着孩子们在大树下玩耍。

[✌注意look at sb do (或doing) sth的结构,可参考see sb do (或doing) sth]


She looks forward every spring to walk in the garden.

She looks forward every spring to walking in the garden. 每到春天,她都期望在花园里散步。


look up the dictionary

look the word up in the dictionary 在这本词典里查单词(或:查词典

谚语Look before you leap. 看清楚了再跳(或:三思而后行)。

辨析appear; look; seem

辨析appearance; look

辨析discover; find; invent; look for

辨析look; notice; see; watch





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