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单词 answer

answer/'ɑːnsər $ 'ænsər/


➊ a reaction to a question, letter, telephone call, etc.

➋ sth that you write or say in reply to a question in a test or competition


➊ say, write or do sth as a reaction to a question, letter, telephone call, etc.

➋ write or say in reply to a question in a test or competition

n. [C]

回答,答复;回信:Please give me an answer now. 请现在给我一个答复。

◇[answer to a question/letter] They want answers to these questions. 他们要这些问题的回复。

◇I haven't got an answer to my letter. 我的信还没有回音。

答案:[answer to sth] Do you know the answer to Question 5? 你知道第5道题的答案吗?

v. [I; T]

回答,答复;应答;回信:Think carefully before answering. 回答前请仔细想想。

◇No one answered the door/the phone. 没人开门/接电话。

◇answer my letters 给我回信

◇She can't answer my question. 她回答不了我的问题。

◇“Answer me!” he shouted. “回答我,”他喊道。

◇[answer sb sth] Please answer me this question. 请回答我这个问题。

◇[answer (sb) + speech]“I'd love to go with you, but I am not free now,” she answered (me). 她回答(我)道,“我想和你去,但现在没时间。”

◇[answer + (that) ...] Jane answered that she'd love to go with us. 简回答说想和我们一起去。

答(题);做出…答案:You have 10 minutes to answer the following questions. 你有10分钟回答下列问题。

answer for sth 对…负责:The company will answer for any damage caused by its products. 公司将对由其产品造成的损害负责。


the answer of the question

the answer to the question 问题的答案


She never answered to my letter.

She never answered my letter. 她从未给我回过信。


The telephone is ringing. Who will receive it?

The telephone is ringing. Who will answer it? 电话响了,谁去接?

辨析answer; reply; respond





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