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单词 lie


v. tell sb sth that you know is not true

n. sth you tell sb that you know is not true

pt. & pp. lied

ing. lying

v. [I] 说谎:[lie to sb] She is lying to him. 她正对他撒谎。

◇[lie about sth] She lied about her age. 她谎报年龄。

n. [C] 谎言,谎话:He's telling a lie. 他正在说谎。

◇[lie about sth] He was accused of telling lies about his achievements. 他被指控在所取得的成就上造假。


die; lie; pie; tie


She lied me about her background.

She lied to me about her background. 她没有告诉我她的真实背景。



➊ be in or move into a position in which your body is flat on a surface

➋ be in a flat position

➌ be in a particular place

pt. lay/leɪ/

pp. lain/leɪn/

ing. lying

v. [I]

躺;卧:[lie + a./prep. (+ doing sth)] He is lying on the bed reading a novel. 他正躺在床上看小说。

◇lie in bed 卧床

◇Lie on your back. 仰卧。

◇She lay down on the bed. 她往床上躺了下去。

平放:[lie + a./prep.] The book lay open on the desk. 那本书摊开平放在书桌上。

位于,坐落在:The city lies to the west of the mountain. 这座城市在山的西边。


Do you know the boy laying under the big tree?

Do you know the boy lying under the big tree? 你认识躺在大树下的那个男孩吗?

用法表示“位于”时,lie on ..., lie to ..., lie in ... 意思不同,具体区别参见辨析in the east of; on the east of; to the east of; east of

辨析lay; lie





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