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单词 less


[✌the comparative form of “little”]

a. smaller in amount

ad. not so much; to a smaller extent or degree

pron. a smaller amount


a. [与不可数名词连用] 较少的;更少的:[less + 不可数n.(+ than sb/sth)] I have to spend less money. 我必须少花钱。

◇He drank less wine than me. 他葡萄酒不如我喝得多。

ad. 较少;更少:[less + a. /ad. + than sb/sth] Exercise 5 is much less difficult than Exercise 4. 练习5比练习4简单多了。

◇He ran less quickly than Joan. 他不如琼跑得快。

pron. 较少的量;更少的量:He eats less than before. 他比以前吃得更少了。

less than 不到,少于:[常与表示“时间、距离、金额”的计量名词连用] It's less than 50 miles away from here. 它离这儿不到50英里。

no less than 多达,不少于:No less than 30% of the area is covered with forests. 这个地区的森林覆盖面积多达30%。


chess; dress; guess; less; mess; press; stress; unless


This book is less thicker than that one.

This book is less thick than that one.

This book is not so thick as that one. 这本书没有那本厚。

[✌less + 形容词原形 + than = not so + 形容词原形 + as]


We could have done the job better with fewer money and less people.

We could have done the job better with less money and fewer people. 我们本可以用更少的财力和人力把这项工作做得更好。





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